

After PMR!!Freedom!!yahoo!!

Fking happy!!My nuffnang == earned money- rm 0 xD happy huH?

Copy from BEE I am a ( copy cat) TT

A list to do during holiday-

  1. Clean up my room
  2. Throw my old stuff
  3. Learn something new about my comp
  4. Improve my english sKill
  5. Keep FIT!!(Most Importance)
  6. Go genting TT(If can)
  7. Work(if can)
  8. Buy a new phone(If can)
  9. Gai Gai wit my BouBei ^^(Lee Kit Yee )
  10. Improve my Piano SKill
Anything wanna to format computer?Can find me

Price is rm40-better then the others -- rm50+1 weeks

Take me the computer,N i will done it for eu in 3days inside,

With all Sofware n everything install,TAKE NOTE!!! 

Only Format any windows to Xp only,Vista i will try

Windows 7 format bk to windows 7 sry notavailable xD


想今天和她Gai&Gai 的,她的妈妈不给TT,没关系!!



